Bar Island

Enjoy it while visiting Bar Harbor in Maine

Bar Island

Imagine a charming little island close to the Shore Path that everyone loves, whether they’re tourists or locals. When the tide is low, something magical happens: the water retreats, revealing a pathway that connects Bar Harbor to Bar Island. It’s not every day that you get to walk across a bay like this, so it’s truly special when it does occur. Just keep in mind that this opportunity is fleeting. According to the local government in Bar Harbor, you only have about two hours before and after low tide to make use of this sandy bridge. Oh, and don’t forget that the landscape will look different depending on the time you visit. Once you set foot on Bar Island, there’s a trail that takes you up to the summit, where you can soak in breathtaking views of Bar Harbor itself and the magnificent mountains behind it, including Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park.

Traversing the sandbar has been an amazing experience for recent visitors, and they highly recommend that all future travelers take part in this natural phenomenon. The views were absolutely loved by many, but it’s important to note that the terrain can be quite rocky, muddy, and wet. So, it would be wise to bring along waterproof shoes. Visitors also advised being mindful of the time since getting stranded on the island is a possibility. In such a situation, you would need to call a water taxi for assistance. It’s worth mentioning that the timing of low tide varies each day, so it’s a good idea to check NOAA before planning your visit to Bar Island’s land bridge. The entry to Bar Island is free, and for additional information, you can visit the website of the Bar Harbor government.