Mercer Williams House Museum

Enjoy it while visiting Savannah in Georgia

Mercer Williams House Museum

When you visit Savannah, make sure to stop by the Mercer-Williams House. Originally commissioned by Gen. Hugh W. Mercer, this house gained fame through its association with Jim Williams. Williams, an antiques dealer in Savannah, became a central figure in John Berendt’s popular book “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” The book recounts a shooting incident that occurred in the house back in 1981. While the upstairs area is not accessible, you are welcome to explore the beautifully adorned ground floor. It features exquisite decorations from the 18th and 19th centuries, including Chinese porcelain and portraits dating back to the 1700s.

The Mercer-Williams House has received positive feedback from recent visitors, who highly recommend it to book fans. However, it’s important to note that photography is not permitted in the garden or the house. Additionally, as the residence is still occupied by family members, only the ground floor is open to visitors.