Pacific Marine Mammal Center

One more place to enjoy near Laguna Beach in California

Pacific Marine Mammal Center

The Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach offers an experience similar to an aquarium. However, it goes beyond that by providing a more personal and intimate encounter with marine life. Instead of just observing animals, visitors can witness the center’s efforts in rescuing and rehabilitating seals. This unique approach enhances the overall experience for visitors.

At the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release seals along the Orange County coast. We take care of various seal species including sea lions, Northern elephant seals, Pacific harbor seals, and Northern fur seals. Although not all seals are available for public viewing due to undergoing intensive rehabilitation, visitors can still catch a glimpse of these amazing creatures in their temporary habitats. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about our center’s procedures, the unique stories of individual animals, and gain insight into the marine environment as a whole.